
In previous versions of Joomla, you are able to change the articles as well as categories and use that latest version only. In the latest version of Joomla 3.2, you can make changes and keep track of the changes, make comparisons or restore all changes that have been made. Content versioning is one of the key new features of Joomla 3.2.

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I've received this odd error a few times now as I start to move some of our older non Joomla 3 templates from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3. Despite the fact that Joomla 3.2 is well and truly out, the updater tells me that I have the latest version of Joomla.


This usually happens when the Joomla updater is set to look for releases only in the long term stable stream. Joomla 2.5 is the current long term stable release and it will remain the case until Joomla 3.5 is released.


So even after I switch the Joomla updater to look for the short term releases (ie Joomla 3+) it still tries to assure me that I have the latest version.

So how do you solve the issue?

Fortunately the issue is easily solved with a slight detour from the main Joomla update component to the update manager in the extension manager.

  1. Navigate to the extension manager in your Joomla admin.


  1. Navigate to the update manager.


  1. Hit purge cache


  1. It's likely that the update manager will still show no updates available. Go back to the Joomla update component under components / update.


  1. If the Joomla updater has been changed to look for the short term release, you should see the latest short term version available for you to download.


Now if you are like me, even after this update you may get a blank screen but fortunately this is also easily solved. Check out the How to Joomla post I published last week about how to solve a blank screen after updating to Joomla 3.2.

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In the process of updating some of our Joomla template packages from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.2, I've just come across an easily circumvented bug during the update process.

What is the error?

The error occurs during the installation of the Joomla 3.2 via the Joomla Update component and ends in the user being presented with a blank screen. In most cases a blank screen means that there is a php error and because error reporting is set to default the error is not displayed on the screen and so all we see is a blank screen.

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T3 has a powerful, flexible and feature rich mega menu built into it's core. One of the features of the megamenu is the ability to create multiple columns in the dropdown menu. This article describes how to split a submenu into the multi column in your T3 based template menu.

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This is accomplished in Joomla 3 with the Read More function. In the Article editor, simply place the cursor at the point in the text where the article should be truncated, then click the “Read More” button.

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T3 offers powerful control over the Joomla menu configuration and display layout via it's megamenu. One of the features of a megamenu is the ability to add icons to your menu items and so today we are going to look at to use a megamenu editing interface to add an icons to your menu items.

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T3 has a powerful, flexible and feature rich mega menu built into it's core. One of the features of the megamenu is the ability to include a module as a submenu item. This article describes how to insert a module as a submenu item in your T3 based template menu.

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One of the great additions to Joomla 2.5 was the Joomla update component. In the process of updating our older themes to Joomla 3 templates I have discovered that the update process can often go awry due to changes in the database from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.

Thankfully this is an easy thing to circumvent if you use the database fix tool first.

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How to Joomla” series I will explain how to use page class suffix in Joomla.

Joomla! creates HTML pages that use Cascading Style Sheets to control the appearance of the page. This includes things like fonts, colours, margins, and background. The CSS files are part of your template.

When Joomla! creates a page, it creates different CSS classes that are then referenced in the CSS file to specify which style will apply to which parts of the HTML page.

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Ever looked in the Joomla extension manager and seen the discover tab and wondered what it did? This article explains how to use the discover tool in Joomla 3.

What is it used for?

The Joomla discover feature was added in Joomla 2.5 and is used to discover and install extensions into your Joomla! Installation.

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