
It's beautifully crafted post-folk, post-indie (genres are useless) mix of guitar, cello, keyboard and vocals. I especially love the film clip to Keep your head up. I had a sneaking suspicion it would feature hay bales - just had no idea they would be used like that.

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Music to design to: Amiina


I havent posted in the Music to design to series in sometime, but after a few months of listening to Amiina on almost perpetual repeat I thought it was time to share this amazing Icelandic band with you.

If you haven't heard of Amiina before they are partly made up of the string section of Sigur Ros - another Icelandic band that is on high rotation here at Bamboo HQ.

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While I can't listen to Mouse on Mars everyday there are some days that they hit the spot just nicely. I generally post soothing, inspiring or somewhat moody music in the Music to Design to series but Mouse on Mars don't always fit in that box.

The tracks below are a bit of a mix of their repertoire - from noisy gritty, to almost dub-like house with some more low tempo wandering electronica. It's not really something you want to listen to while trying to perform anything that involves higher brain functions like filling out your tax return or operating the dvd player, but on the off chance you are in the mood for some noodling, semi-abrasive, and gritty electronica check out the clips below.

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My Music to Design to selections tend to be a little (and unapologetically) electro-centric but over the last few years I have been trying to widen my scope and one genre that listen to regularly are movie soundtracks. I love watching intense and intelligent movies and love them even more when they have beautiful, intense and sublime soundtracks.

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There are some tracks that I seem to be able to listen to while designing that never get old. Of course it depends on my mood but for the most part the tracks listed below could easily be put on repeat and I would never get tired of them - well I haven't yet at least.

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Yann Tiersen is high on my list of music to design to - especially if I want something more organic and less electronic. I'm a huge fan of movie soundtracks and one of my favourites would have to be Goodbye Lenin. The film is beautiful but the soundtrack is sublime. A quote from the youtube page I referenced the clip from sums it up perfectly:

{jb_quote}Listening to this song is like being dumped and having your first kiss at the same time.{/jb_quote}

Anyway ... see for yourself below.

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Music to design to - Mantra


This is another classic early 90's techno track that I find is great for pulling out when I want to pick up the pace a little. Once again it's probably not for everyone but if you are in the mood for a slightly underground early trance sound then you can't go further than Mantra from CJ Bolland.

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Music to Design to Volume 6


Last week I got a little carried away on the blog and posted perhaps a little bit too regularly. I think the whole blogging thing can be a little addictive, and after talking to a few other Joomla bloggers my suspicions have been confirmed (Im thinking of starting up a bloggers anonymous group) ... soooo ... as way of bringing some more order to the workflow Im going to keep the updates regular but stick to a daily routine.

This week Ill be rolling out some daily themes for blog posts and Im going to try my best to follow them. Monday is probably a good day to start off with some music, i hope you are enjoying the music to design to series and the latest edition - Music to Design to volume 6.

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I thought Id post a much cruiser non-electronic track for the music to design to series today as the last few entries were at the heavier end of my listening palette. Andrew bird is a consummate whistler although it doesn't feature so much in this song and I think his music is a perfect adjunct to pushing pixels around on your computer monitor. I love the film clip and its certainly worth a listen if you like downbeat groovy folky music with violins.

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This track by Zen Paradox was one of my favourite early 90's trance tracks. Although its a bit darker, more intense and a little heavier than the track I posted a few days ago by Emeralds I still think its worthy of being included in a music to design to collection.

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Thanks to the iso50 blog I came into contact with this Emeralds track called Candy Shoppe. Its a beautiful blippy piece of beatless electronic music that has got some great chord changes amidst the squelches that prove to be inspirational if you can stay within the chaos of the overlapping textures (huh? - Have a listen and you will see what I mean).

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