Exif data for Zentools2 explained
11 Jan 2016 - Written by Anthony Olsen
Posted in Joomla Extensions
Over the last few days I've been fleshing out the documentation for Zentools2 and while there are still a few holes I thought I would let you know that I've detailed the documentation for using Exif data in Zentools2.
What is Exif Data?
Exif data is metadata that is embedded in an image which may include author, date, iso, exposure, aperture, camera make, resolution etc. Exif data can be added to an image when an image is exported from your camera into an app like Lightroom, or is stored in the image itself when the photo is taken.
Zentools2 makes it possible to extract the exif data stored in your images and then display them in the your Zentools2 modules. There are two ways to retrieve the exif data.
Using the Curated Gallery option
The Gallery content source implementation of Exif data gives you a lot of flexibility of how the Exif data is populated. The gallery features a tool that will automatically retrieve the data from a specific image. The user can then proceed to edit the exif data and adjust it as they need.
Dynamically retrieving Exif data using the Images content sources
When using the images content source (where images are automatically retrieved from a specified folder or folders) it is also possible to dynamically retrieve the exif data from each image being displayed in the module. Using this method there is no ability to edit the exif data directly (other then using a tool like Lightroom). This option is an automated method of retrieving the data from the images you are displaying.
It's highly recommended that you have some sort of site caching employed on your site if you are using this method to avoid a performance overhead when using this method.
The option to retrieve exif data can be easily toggled on or off in the module settings.
Check out the full details on the Zentools2 Demo site.
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