
After finally getting our May Joomla template out the door last week, it's time for us to put our heads down and start focussing more on porting some of the Joomla templates from our back catalogue across to Joomla 1.6.

By far one of our most popular themes over the years has been Avanti and so I am very happy to announce that it is now available as a Joomla 1.6 Template and quickstart package.

The next templates to be ported across to Joomla 1.6 will be Simple Shop - without Tienda and Virtuemart support, Ecolift, Newstream, Cultivate and Powerplay. Eventually all of our Zen Grid framework based templates will make the leap so if the theme you need ported isn't on the list hold tight - or bug us in the comments to move your template up the list.

For now club members can download the Avanti files from the Avanti download page.

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