New Club Extensions
07 Aug 2007 - Written by Anthony Olsen
Posted in Bamboo Blog
We are very happy to introduce a new addition to the Joomlabamboo Club - Bamboo Extensions. You may have noticed that we have recently started to make some little modules to help make Joomla even more fun and so today heralds the launch of the member only extensions.
First cab off the rank is the Moo Login which is a heavily reworked Mootools version of the default Joomla Login Form.
Here is a list of features:
Show/Hide log in fields on page load.
Fade button and fields on page load.
Vertical or Horizontal layout.
Transition effects (configurable from the module backend) to control how the fields slide onto the screen.
Custom submit buttons.
Custom Login Module Buttons with a choice of five buttons.
The module may take a little bit of tweaking to get it looking right in your template, but once you understand your settings you have your login looking fresh in no time.
Dont forget to link to your site in the site showcase once youve set up any of our modules or templates.
The Moo Login module is now available in the downloads section.
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