Getting to know the Joomla Bamboo Themes
17 Dec 2009 - Written by Anthony Olsen
Posted in About the Club
With over 46 templates on offer what can we tempt you with? Since the launch of Joomlabamboo way back in 2006 we have created a wide range of pretty spectacular templates. Simple, clean lines and elegance come as standard with all our work.
Joomlabamboo has created templates for online shops, magazine style, portfolio sites and of course blogs. With the latest introduction of a template for the Admin section of your site, we are continuing to simplify the Joomla experience, both for you and your clients.
The Simpla template changes the way that you interact with your favourite content management system. The first thing you will notice about the Simpla admin theme is the use of the sidebar accordion menu used in addition to the traditional top suckerfish Joomla menu. The accordion menu is a beautiful sliding menu that opens and closes, highlights the active menu state and delivers a more user-friendly menu system to the Joomla admin.
{jb_line}{/jb_line} Our thoughts on the Joomlabamboo templates to date:
My personal favorite is Bliss a beautiful and elegant personal blog site. With 7 colour schemes built in and only a few module positions this is perfect for a beginner to use as a window to the world. But you dont want to hear from just me, what do the other members of the team think?

For me I really like Grid - the texture and the shadow on the edge really draw me in and I keep saying when I see members who use that theme - wow did I design that lol.
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